Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Roger Kimball expresses my thughts on this horrific event, at Armavirumque, the blog of the New Criterion:

" Of the many things that can be said about the horrible shooting at Virginia Tech today, one thing that we have already heard too often is that the shooting is offers a compelling argument against citizens owning guns. Right on cue, Jim Sollo, representing Virginians Against Handgun Violence, told reporters that "We live in a society where guns are pretty well accepted. There are 200 million guns in this society and obviously some in the wrong hands." Well, yes. And that means? That we should concentrate all instruments of violence in the hands of an increasingly bureaucratic and meddlesome state, thus rendering ordinary citizens even more defenseless?"

At the opposite end of the spectrum, Instapundit links to Extreme Mortman's selection of the dumbest question asked by a member of the White House press corps yesterday:

"A member of your White House press corps asked this question at today’s news briefing with Dana Perino:

Q Columbine, Amish school shooting, now this, and a whole host of other gun issues brought into schools — that’s not including guns on the streets and in many urban areas and rural areas. Does there need to be some more restrictions? Does there need to be gun control in this country?

Um, more restrictions than we have? And there’s no gun control in this country? Do facts matter anymore? How about intelligence? Certainly there’s some gun control somewhere in this country — isn’t there?"

Posted by Finn MacCool

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