Thursday, June 14, 2007

Blogs and Reading Groups

James Lileks has taken over the blog of the Strib. He overwhelms the other posters by sheer volume, breadth of subject matter, and wit.

The prolific bloggers like Instapundit and Lileks and Captain Ed remind me of the Victorian novelists in their productivity--lots of quality stuff all the time. Trollope, one of my favorite Victorians, wrote every day before going to work at the Post Office, cranking out five hundred words or so each time. He made the mistake of telling us about his output in his autobiography, which did not endear him to the Flaubertian school of critics. Anyway, there is a Victorian work ethic with these bloggers that is an inspiration.

I have been posting again to Dickens and Trollope reading lists on Yahoo. There is one crabby professor from George Mason who forced me off a different Trollope list that she owned because I had the temerity to quote George Will quoting Trollope. That was beyond the pale to her wway of thinking. Other than that individual, I enjoy these reading groups very much. They are mostly composed of not academic specialists, just enthusiasts.

One person I recall who also ran afoul of this crabby professor was a guy named R.J. Keefe. He has a number of blogs, and on one he reviews the book reviews in the New York Times Sunday book section. He does not appear to have or need gainful employment, signing himself R.J. Keefe, gent., of Yorkville, New York. I see that he has a link to the professor, so they must have patched up their relationship.

Posted by Finn MacCool

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