Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I enjoy reading Mitch Berg's Shot in the Dark blog. I followed his bout of underemployment and his more recent success. I can relate, having been underemployed myself for a while. I responded to an Internet ad for a freelance writer with "deep technical experience" and I was selected as one of four writers on a long-term project for a well-known tech company. But there have been delays getting going. Then this morning I got a call from the ad agency where I used to work. They want a part-time copywriter to work on a quasi-technical project that will also last a few months. I can do some of the work at home. Hallelujah! When the other project starts, I can handle both, I figure.

Last Thursday through Saturday, I attended the annual conference of the American Chesterton Society, at the University of St. Thomas. It was wonderful, and I only regret not going to earlier conferences. There were interesting talks on Chesterton and Orwell, Chesteron and Sigrid Undset, Chesterton and E.F. Schumacher, to name a few. But the best thing was the great vibe: people of all ages, from high-school kids taking notes (!) at the talks, up to charming gents in their 80s, and everyone having a good time in a mellow, good-humored way. One custom I particularly enjoyed: beer and wine are free, while bottled water is $1 apiece.

Sunday, I watched the U.S. Open. It was great to see a chubby chain smoker win. The television crew seemed a little unsure of how to handle camera shots showing Angel Cabrera lighting up, but they seemed to decide to go with it, noting at one point that after a good holw, it seemed like a good time for a smoke. They also took note of pictures showing Jack Nicklaus puffing away 45 years earlier when the zopen was held at the same course. What was left unsaid was the sea change in governmental and public atitudes toward smoking that has taken place in the meantime. But they couldn't disparage one of the leaders in the tournament. It was fun to watch.

Posted by Finn MacCool

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